It’s 2022, and cloud computing is firmly entrenched in businesses across all industries. Today, the cloud is a necessity for doing business. No matter the size of your company, you’ll get big benefits that weren’t possible even a decade ago.
If you’ve held out this long to make the move to managed cloud services, you can’t wait any longer. Trust us, though: you’ll love it. Here are nine reasons why:
1. It’s flexible.
Cloud gives you vast amounts of storage space that aren’t an option with premise-based solutions. As your business grows, you won’t need to purchase expensive hardware to accommodate growing amounts of data. Cloud computing’s flexibility goes beyond data storage, though. Your employees will have the freedom to work when and from where they want, since everything they need will be accessible through an internet connection.
2. It’s reliable.
Nothing is more attractive than reliability, right? The same concept applies to your cloud computing solution. Since your data is stored on off-premise servers, you can count on its continuous availability even if one server goes down because another server will automatically take its place.
3. It makes disaster recovery a breeze.
Speaking of servers going down, disasters do happen. When you back up your data in the cloud, it’s easily available even if your device(s) malfunction. If you’re struck by a disaster of any kind, you can still access your data and systems as long as you have a device available with internet access.
4. It’s secure.
In the early days of cloud computing, businesses were wary of utilizing cloud because of perceived security issues. It’s widely known now that cloud providers actually offer heightened security from what most businesses can achieve in-house because they’re able to focus their resources on maintaining strong, up-to-date security their customers can rely on.
5. It boosts employee productivity.
We’re in the age of mobility, and your mobile workers need to be able to access their data and internal resources from wherever they are. Cloud computing allows exactly that. Whether your staff is on the road, contracting remotely, or just across town at a meeting, they’ll be able to work as if they were at the office.
6. It creates a new world of collaboration.
Those remote employees need to be able to collaborate with their coworkers as if they were only a desk away. Cloud technology allows for instant communication via messaging, audio and web conferencing, screen sharing, and other functionality that enhances your staff’s ability to collaborate.
7. It helps you save on costs.
Capital expenditures have you down? There’s no hefty up-front investment in hardware, facilities, data centers, or anything physical to get you started with cloud computing. When you don’t need on-site servers and your data storage costs are predictable and monthly, you’ll be able to save in areas that used to create large expenses.
8. It’s simple.
There’s no need to fear complicated or technical implementation once you’ve migrated to the cloud. Installing on-site servers is actually far more complex of a process than a cloud migration. And once you’ve made the move, there are no more headaches that your IT staff is responsible for handling because responsibility has shifted to the provider.
9. It’s good for the planet.
When you don’t require hardware or physical infrastructure, you minimize your impact on the environment. And according to Forbes, 87% of consumers have a more positive image of companies that support environmental issues.
Cloud computing: what’s not to love? If these nine reasons have given you the motivation you need to change your business and move to the cloud, SinglePoint Global is here to help. From managed help desk to data center colocation and everything in between, we have your cloud needs covered. Get in touch with us today and get ready to fall in love with cloud.